Saturday, July 07, 2007

1st Official Haircut...

I finally broke down and took Cole for his 1st official haircut today. I had been dragging my feet because the truth is I like the fluffy hair that he had sticking up on his head. But it was starting to get long around the ears and when people begin to ask if you child dressed all in blue is a girl then you know the time has come.

We took him to a place called Snip-its - Haircuts for Kids. They did a phenomenal job. It was worth the little bit of extra money to go somewhere tailored just for little people. I included a before and after picture so you could see just how shaggy his hair had become. He looks so much like a little boy now and less like a baby.


mum-on-the-run said...

Aww, what adorable photos!! e looks so grown up with his "proper" haircut.

I know what you meran about not wanting to lose the baby fuzz though.

Vee said...

what a cutie!! :)

Vee said...

what a cutie!! :)